A pair of shorts can create more content

Maybe you are not creating enough content because you spend large chunks of your day naked.

Put on some shorts. Create more content. (That's it, that's the lesson)

​Here's what I've got for you today, in a πŸ₯œ:

πŸ’‘My Favourite Finds (for more growth, engagement, and learning)

πŸ’‘How's your copy STRATEGY?

πŸ’‘This week on the socials - my top LinkedIn experiences

πŸ’‘The Friday YES-ness


My Favourite Finds




Participate in Cat Griffin's 2025 bundles and grow your list (https://www.thebundlecommunity.com/upcoming-events/)



How to make long emails engaging

(Newsletter Examples)



The 5 email sequences you need to earn more paying subscribers (Lex Roman)


How's Your Copy Strategy?

Let's forget about the actual writing for a moment.

Let's talk about what comes before that.

I give you Ingrid and Ron.

Two different people who came to me last week, looking for ways to market their offers and make more money.



She's a sales/business coach with a big focus on the heart, soul and humanity of selling.

She has a coaching programme, including 1:1 sessions.
Β£6K for the lower tier. Β£9K for the top tier.

This changes the game. The second you're selling a high-ticket offer, you have to shift your copy and content game.​
πŸ‘‰ Writing it yourself is not good enough.
πŸ‘‰ ChatGPT is not good enough.
πŸ‘‰ Templates are not good enough.
I ask for the goals of the copy.
​'I want 17 people registered from my list of 1100.'​
It's doable. It's a 1.5% conversion.
​'My click-through rates are low, though.'​
So it's a Β£6K/Β£9K program.
To a list of 1,100.
With a 1.5% conversion rate.
And the click rate is currently low.
So, here's what we're doing.
​A long-form sales page to coach a conversion and 10 high-converting sales emails. Because the more expensive the program, and the longer the program (this is a yearlong program), the more friction there is between the prospect and the offer. ​
So, it's not enough to simply lay the offer on the table. You have to coach a conversion. ​
πŸ‘‰ A landing page is not enough.
πŸ‘‰ A sales page is not enough.
πŸ‘‰ Eight emails are not enough.
You need more (better!) copy.
​You need to coach people in that copy.​
A long-form sales page will take people through a journey of self-discovery so that by the end of it they know if this is something they have to have, or not. There will be no doubts.
There will be:
πŸ‘‰ Self-selection
πŸ‘‰ Qualified leads
πŸ‘‰ Coaching through the objections, the FAQs, the concerns
πŸ‘‰ A clear, optimised offer of what their transformation will be
πŸ‘‰ Conversion
And there will be 10 emails in a sales sequence that will also coach them to the point where they know that going to the sales page is something they have to do if they want to change the situation they're currently in.
High ticket offer?
​Coach a conversion.



Runs a luxury transfer service in South Africa. Transfers can happen from the airport/to the airport. He also does trips to various places in the country.

He has a list of 2,000 people - mostly unengaged because he sends all his emails manually (what in the mother of mary), irregularly, and isn't keeping them up-to-date with the business's news or offers.

When he does email through an offer, he gets traction (hello, 2,000 people!)

Ron needs more sales generally. And kinda fast.

There will be:

An email hosting platform signup - like yesterday.

All email addresses transferred to that platform and an immediate email sent out to see which emails are still active.

Then the list will be PURGED. CLEANSED. CULLED. Any inactive emails will be removed.

Now we have data that we can actually use - what are the open rates? What are the click-through rates?

We will put together a re-engagement sequence - sending people to his most popular (irresistible) offer, for which there will be a mid-length landing page with a LOT of photos (because who isn't tempted by photos of the African bush at sunset, I mean come ON)...

In short:

πŸ‘‰ He will get automated... (it's 2024, Ron)

πŸ‘‰ He will need a reconversion device (the landing page)...

πŸ‘‰ And a re-engagement chain (the emails).


Ron and Ivy.

πŸ‘‰ Very different needs

πŸ‘‰ Very different approaches

πŸ‘‰ Very different strategies


If you take one thing away from this, it's to think about hiring a copywriter, just for an hour, for strategy.

​I'm available. ;)

This week on the socials...​
Just in case you missed it...

Like them? Pay me, in LikesπŸ‘, and CommentsπŸ’¬, and SharesπŸ”.

And some Friday YES-ness


I appreciate you,



Signed up for my newsletter by mistake? Maybe even drunk? No problemo.

Take control. Unsub below.πŸ‘‡

Your Write Hand

Whaddup.If you're a business owner and you're selling STUFF - then you need to compel your audience to buy that STUFF. That's what I do.I've spent years learning about what makes people buy things - and I've learned how to translate that into compelling copy that converts. I want to share as much as I've learned with you.Like how to...Write copy because you know who your audience is, not because you're guessingWrite in the voice of your customerWrite copy that kisses the screenWrite in a way that you stand outEnd blank page syndromeYou feeling me?

Read more from Your Write Hand
The Story Team: Shit Hot Conversion Copywriting and Content Creation

It's true, Reader Low-key is over. You're done with low-key. Low key is boring as fugg, mediocre, sad. It's the generic bollocks that ChatGPT spits out when you ask it for an email sequence. It's the bro marketers who keep telling you that you should be making millions of dollars from LinkedIn. It's daily posts that say the same thing as everyone else. You? You are high-key. You vibrate with excellence. You have a message. A story. A purpose. What is it? Because here's the thing. And I've...

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