Good news, bad news

This is for my ladies (sorry, guys, we're focused on WOMEN this month - so feel free to send this to a strong, fierce, BOLD woman you know) who want to grow their brand and business by becoming speakers...

This is for my ladies who will not (not now, or ever) be paralysed by anything going on in the world...

This is for my ladies who have a voice and are ready to USE it...without fear...

This is for my woman who run with the wolves...

Good news, Reader

After June, growing your brand’s reach, and having your revenue levels match your skillset will no longer be a problem.

And, even better news…you won’t be relying on LinkedIn to achieve that (halleluja, praise the lawd).

No more posting every single day.

No more hours and hours of scrolling through content that feels icky and weird, just so you can comment on ten posts and grow your network.

No more time-suckage on a platform that is packed with gurus but sometimes absolutely no value.

You will be way beyond that. You will be on another level.

Either you’ll have made it…

You know…

…Having a calendar packed with new clients (most of them inbound)

Banking speaking fees on the regular

Enjoying the support of women from all over the world who understand you and your journey

…Creating thought leadership content without that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach every weekend, because you know what you’re writing is FIRE (knowing that your less is WAY MORE than everyone else’s daily posts)


You’ll have given into some kind of holding pattern.

Normalizing the subpar, inconsistent speaking opportunities

Sending out pitch after pitch and not getting the gig

Watching other people deliver incredible talks and get referral after referral and not knowing how they did it

Because here’s the deal:

Big dreams need watering.

The B.O.L.D Intensive: An In-Person Transformative Retreat is what takes your dream from the seed of ambition to become a thought leader in your field and lathers it with full-bodied extra-strength industrial-grade miracle grow.

If staying where you are now is something you feel good about and you’re comfortable with - I’m not here to convince you otherwise.

But if you’re committed to fast (sometimes scary) growth…

If being comfortable is boring for you and you want to be pushed, challenged and excited about your life…

If you want to go inward, get out of your head and go into your heart and create a signature talk that skyrockets your thought leadership, reveals your vulnerability, and generates huge leads for you…

And if you’re willing to be coached by two speaking coaches and a copywriter who will take you through brand voice clarity exercises, personal brand deep dives, signature story creation & delivery sessions, live feedback and practice sessions, goal-setting strategy sessions, collaborative peer review sessions AND guide you through immersive experiences in London…

Let’s just do this already.


PS While not knowing how to be a thought leader with a killer signature talk and brand voice that is the boldest it’s ever been will cease to be a problem after June…

There will be new problems.

Exciting problems.

Upgraded problems, whose solutions bring exponential growth in impact and income.

Problems like…

…how do I best use my VA to free up time and focus on shortening, lengthening and refining my signature talk for the different kinds of events that want me to speak?

…how do I tackle the inbound leads coming into my inbox on email and LinkedIn with so many hours in the day?

…how do I make time and space to talk to people after I’ve delivered my talk? After I’ve moved around the stage, not looking at my notes and so much of my personality shining through, how do I answer the question ‘How do you DO that?’

…how do I start the conversation with my boss that I deserve a raise because of all the damn value I’m bringing to the people in our business? do I manage my day-to-day to deliver client work, develop new programs/trainings, build my authority, grow my email list, network with influencers, speak at conferences, and do all the other things associated with building a high-earning business?

All problems we’ll profitably solve in our four days together.

Take a look at the B.O.L.D Intensive: An In-Person Transformative Retreat happening in London from June 29th-July 2nd, 2025 at the special early bird price.

(And save $1,500 before February 28, 2025.)


PS Have questions? Good! Questions are good. Grab 30 minutes with me here and let’s go through all your thoughts, ideas, questions, concerns, goals…whatever it might be, I want to hear them. No expectations. No obligations. Just a chat to see where you're at right now in business, and where it might be possible for you to go.

Click this link, and you won't get emails about being bold, or the retreat again.

Your Write Hand

Whaddup.If you're a business owner and you're selling STUFF - then you need to compel your audience to buy that STUFF. That's what I do.I've spent years learning about what makes people buy things - and I've learned how to translate that into compelling copy that converts. I want to share as much as I've learned with you.Like how to...Write copy because you know who your audience is, not because you're guessingWrite in the voice of your customerWrite copy that kisses the screenWrite in a way that you stand outEnd blank page syndromeYou feeling me?

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